Dear Karen Friends,
In Malaysia there are around 6000 Karen and majority of them are illegal and live in the jungle of Malaysia . They are always chasing by the Malaysian police and if captured they are in serious situation.
Malaysia Karen Organisation (MKO) is trying to help them as much as they can. They are now trying to register them with UNHCR for a possibility to be resettled in the countries. However, due to the storage of Karen people who can speak both Karen and English and the majority of Karen cannot speak or understand Burmese, they have a big problem to fulfil the UNHCR's criteria.
This week Tuesday Malaysia UNHCR required 20 Karen Interpreters who speak both good English and Karen. Therefore, MKO would like to invite any Karen who would like to come and help our fellow Karen who live in the jungle in Malaysia .
Our fellow Karens in Malaysia are in serious situation. If you would like to find out more or want to go and help them, please contact MKO Chairperson Mahn Sein Than on +60... or you can email him at mahnseinthan2007@yahoo.com
Please pass this information on. Also if you have any other idea or suggestion how we Karen communities around the world could do to help to raise awareness about this situation please contact me.
In solidarity,
Nant Bwa Bwa Phan
Vice Chairperson
Karen Community Association UK
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